stegno - Blog of Parth Kolekar


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Find the flag, flag finder.

  • Flag Format: /flag{.+}/

Provided foren-steg.docx


The file provided to us appears to be a docx file. Let us see what happens when we try to open it.

There appears to be nothing in the file but gibberish...



# # # # #

Find the flag.

  • Flag Format /flag:[a-zA-Z]+/

Provided Macbeth.docx

Hint : Not all characters are created equal.


Opening the file we can quickly tell that the entire file has been written in two fonts. We unzip the docx file, and grep...


Bitmaps are cool

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Here is a tiny file that you might find fun to do while cramming other forms of knowledge in your head. :D

All the best for your exams.

  • Flag Format: /flag{.+}/

Provided text.bmp


This is a simple question meant to be a refresher while...


Trash Dove

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Find the flag that has been going viral all over Facebook.

  • Flag Format: /flag{.+}/

Provided media Provided media2 – Easier


We try to inspect the file to see what it is.

$ file media
media: ASCII text, with very long lines, with CR...