forensics - Blog of Parth Kolekar


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Find the flag, flag finder.

  • Flag Format: /flag{.+}/

Provided foren-steg.docx


The file provided to us appears to be a docx file. Let us see what happens when we try to open it.

There appears to be nothing in the file but gibberish...


Boring Assignment

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There was once a guy, who hadn't anything to do. So he made haiku.

CTF question, related to cryptography, he presents to you.

Solve you can or not, you must at least try or else, you disappoint him.

  • Flag Format : /FLAG[A-Z]+/

Provided boring...



# # # # #

Find the flag.

  • Flag Format /flag:[a-zA-Z]+/

Provided Macbeth.docx

Hint : Not all characters are created equal.


Opening the file we can quickly tell that the entire file has been written in two fonts. We unzip the docx file, and grep...
