Super Baby RSA

June 13 2017

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Time for RSA!

e = 65537

n = 134023913680045880492110426626164090971954352532495944119602241841766743315344885078078359876157853261789964632342961459801834169156073972150056251259429043527344585589350222304649100454018523375146422111308080990153227407607374257909945989989405880451908900962388521742688809203045971595430040363546058882461

c = 28029822339281125656746130462465126562337695724847502110361462137424051877785282190017747622367185811734822848358173889752744532793526865170001730008026265012114272142868291439355242497819138690415609825725896275747305098862360965342890612304634184172461662826694263502110523984165435588581876100119126419239

p = 10982621221489294931830537773519582919197608543135586716536756890800033254598710943732068869355188441831549541090720220093538940987353399632224377192068317

Flag Format: /flag{.+}/


RSA is a cryptosystem which allows for secure data transmission. RSA mangles the plain text in a form that makes it undecipherable to people without the key, while making it much easier for people with a key to open it and get back the message.

The mathematics is out of the scope of this article, I would encourage a serious reading on your own to figure it out.

The steps to generate a RSA key is as follows.

  • Generate two large prime numbers p, and q.
  • n = p * q.
  • e is a number co-prime to lcm(p -1, q - 1) and 1 < e < n
  • d = 1 / e mod (p - 1)(q - 1)

The 1 / e in this case, should not be confused with division. It is the inverse_modulo operation, I.E. d is the number, which when multiplied with e has the following relation.

ed = 1 mod (p - 1)(q - 1)

This notation will also be confusing for a newbie to modular arithmatic. What this means is that

(e * d) mod (p - 1)(q - 1) = 1

The public key consists of n and e. The secret key consists of the rest. Namely, d, p, q.

The security of RSA relies on the one-way trap function of multiplication. Which means that for a function f

f((x, y)) = x * y | x, y ∈ Z

It is easy enough to go from (x, y) to x * y (multiplication). But is is far more difficult to go from x * y to (x, y) (factorization).

The encryption for an message, converted to an integer form, m is given as…

c = RSA_e_n(m) = m ^ e mod n

c is the cipher text. RSA_e_n is a notation used to denote that the RSA parameters of e, and n are constant and a feature of RSA instead of being a part of the arguments to a RSA function.

To get back the m from the c we require the presence of d, which is a good hint as to why it is a part of the private key in the first place.

m' = inverse_RSA_e_n_d(c) = c ^ d mod n

It is also now interesting to note why p and q are part of the private key. That comes because if you have either of p or q, generating a d for the RSA key is trivial. Because you can easily find the other factor, and quickly generate the d via doing a modular_inverse operation of e on base of (p - 1) * (q - 1).

Once d is obtained, decryption can be done since you now have the key.

Since this is the introductory RSA problem, I am kind enough to give the p directly, which means that this RSA is totally broken.

I also give the following number to integer conversion scheme.

A -> 0x41 = 64
AA -> 0x4141 = 16705
AAAAAA -> 0x4141414141 = 280267669825

Which basically says that the number is converted to a hexadecimal representation, and then the hexadecimal is intepreted as an ASCII string.

So now, it's time for some sage. Sage Math is a number crunching library with a ton of useful functions built-in.

There are many alternatives to give, but it is a personal preference of quite a few people to use sage, and it is not without reason.

e = 65537
n = 134023913680045880492110426626164090971954352532495944119602241841766743315344885078078359876157853261789964632342961459801834169156073972150056251259429043527344585589350222304649100454018523375146422111308080990153227407607374257909945989989405880451908900962388521742688809203045971595430040363546058882461
c = 28029822339281125656746130462465126562337695724847502110361462137424051877785282190017747622367185811734822848358173889752744532793526865170001730008026265012114272142868291439355242497819138690415609825725896275747305098862360965342890612304634184172461662826694263502110523984165435588581876100119126419239
p = 10982621221489294931830537773519582919197608543135586716536756890800033254598710943732068869355188441831549541090720220093538940987353399632224377192068317

q = n / p

d = inverse_mod(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))

m = pow(c, d, n)


This prints out 240545625414703578862070172273428889513126431163886829837844391499244541180606084628879027055096318636117555581.

Converting this to integer is done by.


Which prints out b'flag{breaking_rsa_is_easy_if_you_know_the_key}'. Which is the flag.



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